Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Learning About The Apple Computer

Are you interested in an Apple computer? That is great news. Below we will review the Apple computer and computers in general. The personal computer has evolved so much in the last decade. Most importantly the actual speeds of these home computers are off the charts. Apple computers have some unique characteristics that differ from other personal computers.

Can you remember the days when there were no computers? Nowadays, one cannot even think without a computer, computers hold such importance in our life. The first one among all, IBM, came with the one with the rolling ball. Through computers, one can perform those things, which one even cannot dream.

The personal computer or P.C. have changed everything particularly, in the manner the documents we create today. This is a cool electronics site Rest is history, we are assisted by the computers in each of our activities whether it be work, entertainment or playing games; no one can live without a computer! Due to limited knowledge, some of us still believe that only one kind of computer exists.

Comparing an Apple home computer is like comparing a personal pc as a regular automobile is to a Indy 500 racing car. The Indy car runs, excellent, like a normal automobile. The Indy car (and the Apple home computer) is slick and economical, built for maximum throughput. The regular auto will do what you ask it to do, with some encouraging words. The Apple computer will follow your commands like a King doling out rules. The regular auto needs rest and quite often stops working because it cant keep up. The Indy car works on and on like a work horse does on a farm.

Well I do not blame you, since you have not seen or used the masters. A Master is like riding a wild horse full of energy and enthusiasm, which never gets tired. Each of us gain knowledge through experience. Therefore, it is high time for you to try the machines like Apple desktop computers or Mac. Whenever you get a chance to handle such a machine, go for it and then you will realize the difference between them. With the change in technology, one should be updated.

You might think that I am just saying this for the sake of it. But, I became a true believer after a month with my Apple desktop when I suddenly realized, it had never crashed even once. The other system crashes about twice a day. If you worked with a PC for a long time, you will need some time to adjust. Not that the Apple computer is difficult; it is just slightly different.

To open a file from the "finder" known on a PC as the explorer, you can't press 'return'. Such things will take time for you to adjust. And here is another thing that is different with an Apple desktop. No viruses. I do not even own a virus cleaning system although I keep a virus checker going in the background on my Apple desktop computer. And what do you think it finds? A Mac is immune to all known viruses.

Another thing, about an Apple computer, that is great is the automatic software updates. You just need to connect to the Net and it automatically calls home for updates. No checking the website, no figuring out what you need. The operating system and installed apple software is updated automatically.

I hope this review of Apple computers was deemed useful by you and your peers. We could easily write for days about Apple computers. They are truly a unique machine and cant really be compared to other personal computers. Like comparing Apples to bananas! Enjoy your Apple computer!

Ron Eletrick loves working with the following businesses:Anetta Blog78089
Beth Blog15571

Mass Transit & Gasoline Prices: Time to Go Public?

How do you get to work every day at the beginning of your shift? How do you get home? For many of us, our commute is a routine as unchanging as eating and sleeping. A large number of us get to work every day by driving a personal vehicle. We take it for granted that we are taking advantage of the most cost-efficient and satisfying means available to arrive promptly and ready to work.

But the swiftly rising price of gasoline should be an urgent stimulus to make us re-examine our commuting strategy. Across the U.S., the price for one gallon of regular-grade gasoline has risen from about $1.50 two years ago to today's $2.60, and it is uncertain that prices will level off any time soon, much less decline.

These realities prompt us to ask, does commuting by driving a personal vehicle up to five days a week provide us the best combination of cost, or time use, or life-style? Or should we seek a better solution?

Gasoline savings: compelling reason?

Many workers, including me, have opted to leave our vehicles safe at home and brave public transportation. Each of us has our own reasons. Now the price of gasoline gives us one more, and we find it fairly compelling.

In my own case, I live about 17 miles from work. My 1992 Mitsubishi gets about 24 mpg, which means that if I drove it to and from work, I would be spending about $17.70 a week just for the gas. Instead, I buy a monthly Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) pass and pay only $10.00 a week. By riding DART, I cut my transportation costs nearly in half! If I had to pay for parking, as many of you do, I would save even more.

Other reasons count for more

But wait, there's more! In fact, saving on gasoline is not the primary reason I decided to "go public" several years ago. I used to drive the congested freeways of Dallas to get to work; during rush hours it would take me 30 to 45 minutes. I had so many close calls--so many split-second swerves and jamming of the brakes--that I began to think that it was inevitable that I would be involved in an accident of some kind, maybe even a life-threatening one. Do you ever feel that oppressive sense of impending doom?

Now, I drive two miles to the DART station in my suburb and ride the light rail. I usually get off at the Pearl Street Station and take a good, 15-minute, fast walk from one end of downtown Dallas to the other, a distance of about a mile. There I catch a bus that takes me to within one block of my office, where I arrive almost exactly one hour after boarding the train. In the afternoon, I reverse the route, often walking up to half a mile before boarding the downtown-bound bus.

When I have the time and inclination, I walk farther. I disembark from the train at City Place, climb the two extremely long escalators from the train station 160-feet below the surface, and walk all the way to the office, three miles to the west. At the rate I climb, I step up 42 times on the lower escalator and about 57 on the upper one. Then it's another 42 steps up to the surface exit. Most of my hike to work is on Katy Trail, which skirts a string of parks along Turtle Creek. Katy Trail was recently extended to reach the American Airlines Center, which connects me to HI-Line, Turtle Creek Blvd., and the office. This fall, a walking trail is being constructed that will lead from Katy Trail right past my building along Turtle Creek.

The exercise I get regularly, enforced by being integrated into my commute routine, is my main reason for "going public." But almost as important is all of that ride time I get on the train and the bus. I can read at least 30 minutes each way. Do you have the opportunity for an hour of reading five days a week? I cannot begin to list all of the books I have read on my commute, but it is a long list.

What others say

Do other employees share my preference for public transportation? Melissa, a Chicago customer service representative does.

She says, "I take the train (the el green line) to work every day. I work a split shift, noon to 8 p.m. I live in Oak Park, Illinois (the first western suburb), eight miles from the office. From door to door it takes 20 minutes. During my commute I enjoy reading, people watching, and defusing if it was a hard day."

"The best thing about taking the train is the convenience of not having to worry about parking. [I avoid] the congestion of traffic, and with the high pay of gasoline, it is very cost efficient. And I am always guaranteed some exercise every day with the walk to and from the train. The worst thing about commuting is that sometimes the trains run late."

With commuter trains, light rail, subway, buses, and van pooling, Chicago seems to have one of the best public transportation systems in the country. But other cities are rapidly catching up. Detroit, however, lacks a light rail system, beyond its "PeopleMover" that makes a tight loop in downtown. According to an article The Detroit News ran on July 7, 2005, "The region is the largest in the nation without a comprehensive subway, commuter rail or high-speed bus network." Officials there, however, promise that this will change in years to come.

"Our public transportation system is terrible," says Nancy, a Detroit human resources assistant, "and we don't have a rapid transit system in the Metro Detroit area. I wish we did, but I guess this is the Motor City; they want to make sure we all buy cars."

Mark, a Detroit customer service rep, agrees. "There is no viable public transportation system in Detroit. We make cars."

Eddy is a manager who lives about 17 miles from his work just out of downtown Dallas. He says, "I think we should all ride public transportation at least once in a while to remind us how fortunate we are. That being said, I support anyones right to drive a car to work. As gas prices go up, I think we should figure out ways to reduce our dependency on oil products. One of the things I choose to do is to ride the bus periodically. I think I am fortunate because I live nearby to a transit station (1/2 mile) and can walk to and from it. Most people have to drive to a station.... I would like to see our company run a test to help fund riding public transportation (maybe buy half of a monthly pass or something like that)."

Security issues

Eddy acknowledges, "Because of our shift work, many of our people cant use public transportation." This sentiment is shared by a second-shift typesetter named Brandy. "Dallas has no good public transportation for me to use from North Richland Hills to my job, at the hours I work. I would have to take two buses, and as I work till 11 p.m. (at a minimum), the trains do not run. Also, being a female, I am not crazy about waiting outside on the corner at 11 p.m. at night for a bus to take me downtown, then another bus to the train station."

These are certainly valid concerns, and there are no easy solutions for our employees in Dallas. For other cities, however, especially Chicago and eventually Phoenix, where the rail station is in the immediate area of our office building, public transportation may be more viable even for second and third shifts. Several employees walking together would be a partial solution.

Safety concerns

Another issue for bus passengers is the lack of seat belts and shoulder belts. I have been in two bus accidents without injury, but one sudden stop sent me sailing four or five feet forward. I managed to grab a post and only received a minor bruise. Since then I have selected my bus seats carefully, opting for the three or four places where I am against something solid should the bus stop suddenly. Of course, I then have to worry about being the cushion for other people's landings. My seat of choice is right to the rear of the back door. Only one person is likely to slam into me there, and people seldom sit in that particular seat.

Not "going public"?

Other workers have their own reasons for avoiding public transportation. Violet, a Dallas sales support supervisor, says, "I only live seven or eight miles from work, and I always get to work in 15 minutes. My commute gives me time to myself, and I like that." Gwen, a Denver sales rep, uses her 36-mile drive to phone clients and return calls. "It also gives me time to reflect," she adds.

Roberta, a staff accountant at Dallas, has a 25-mile drive. She says she spends the 40- to 45-minute commute listening to Christian music. "It gives me time to switch gears from work mode to wife mode," she says.

Do your own analysis: Is now the time for you to "go public"?

Take a serious look at the variables of cost, time commitment, health factors, and available transportation. Your decision will probably depend on the priorities you have and the special situation that you alone best appreciate.

One consideration should probably be left out of your analysis: class status. As Eddy says, "I also think we have many, many people in America (and certainly at our company) who think they are too good to ride the bus or train. We need to realize that we are all just 'folks' when it comes right down to it and that the man or woman next to us in the bus are just regular people, no matter what they look like or what color they are."

Steve Singleton has been a book editor, newspaper reporter, news editor, and public relations consultant. He has taught college courses, seminars, and workshops in 11 states and the Caribbean. Currently he is a communications coordinator and corporate trainer for a large printing company.Anabal Blog57538
Candace Blog15085

Improve your Spanish with Telenovelas!

Yes, it's true. One hour a night with a Spanish soap opera can improve your Spanish!

So you studied Spanish in high school, but you can't speak a word of it. Or maybe you spoke Spanish at home with your family, your vocabulary is limited and you're not sure of your grammar. Now you want to improve your Spanish, but the thought of heading into a Spanish classroom makes you cringe. And besides, who has the time?

Don't worry, the solution is right at your fingertips - literally - as you take hold of your TV remote control, your radio dial, your computer keyboard, and a host of books and magazines that you never even dreamed you could read. With just a little background in the language, a Spanish-English dictionary, and the tips below, you can increase your fluency without ever setting foot in a Spanish class. And all at no cost to you!

Not that there's anything wrong with Spanish classes, of course - on the contrary, if you can find a college evening course or an adult school class that fits your schedule, you will improve your Spanish even faster. But these same tips apply even if you're taking a Spanish class, and they will dramatically increase your learning.

The key to learning any language is to immerse yourself in that language as much as possible. Think about how you learned to speak English as a child. You probably listened to English for at least two full years before you started to speak even a few words. But you understood much more than you could say, and eventually you learned how to speak. You had absorbed so much of the language that it started to come out naturally.

So why not re-create this type of immersion environment in your own home, to learn Spanish? You can do it with the most basic resources, at little or no cost to you. And it's not even a chore; it's fun!

Just follow these five easy tips for improving your Spanish on your own:

1. Get hooked on a telenovela.

You might think you should be watching the Spanish news to learn better Spanish. Wrong! When have you ever heard a conversation that sounded like a Dan Rather sentence? And do you want to be able to recite facts or have a conversation? Most of us are learning Spanish so that we can communicate and have conversations with Spanish speakers. Telenovelas are 100% dialogue - pure conversation. The situations are easily understandable (and often funny, either inadvertently or on purpose), and the actors always speak clearly.

Pick a telenovela that is on at a time that's convenient for you and that you can watch every day. And just start watching. Stick with it; eventually you will get to know the characters and their situations. Watching conversations in context will help you understand what's going on, and soon you will be picking up sentences and phrases. Keep a notepad close by to jot down any new words that pique your interest, and look them up later, either online or in your Spanish dictionary.

And don't worry about getting "hooked" forever. Unlike U.S. soap operas, Spanish telenovelas only run about six months, and they actually have an ending.

2. Listen to the music

Shakira, Shakira ... she makes a man want to speak Spanish .... and women too, actually!

How many songs can you sing in languages that you don't speak? Probably more than you realize. How about Frere Jacques? Guantanamera?

Never underestimate the power of music in language learning. Sing along with a song, and you are speaking that language. It doesn't matter if you don't understand the words; you are picking up the rhythm, phrasing and accent of the language. You can figure out the words and the meaning later.

We are fortunate to live in a country in which every major area has one or more Spanish language radio stations. Keep your car radio tuned to one of them. And if you hear a song or an artist that you particularly like, buy it for your mp3 player so that you can listen to it as much as possible. At the same time, download the lyrics from the internet, and use your Spanish dictionary to help you understand the meaning.

3. Read all about it!

Yes, you can read in Spanish. It doesn't matter how little or how much Spanish you have had. Pick up a Spanish language magazine or newspaper and just look it over. Even better, find a magazine or book that relates to your particular interest. All the major bookstores now have a "Libros en Espaol" section, as well as People en Espaol and many other Spanish language magazines and newspapers. Pick out your reading selection, borrow a Spanish-English dictionary if you want, and spend an hour or so in the bookstore's caf with your books, a cafcito, and a willingness to explore.

Here is the most important part: don't worry about the words you don't know. Focus on the words you do know, or can figure out. How many words can you recognize because they look like a word in English? Which ones can you figure out from their context? Can you guess the general meaning of the article? Of the words you don't understand, pick four or that you think are really crucial to the article, and look them up. Then read through the article again. If you want, write your new words down on index cards so you can flip through them later during a free moment.

4. Let's go surfin' now ....

The internet is your free ticket to limitless language practice! Take a few minutes each day to explore outstanding resources such as online newspapers, videos, and articles on whatever your passion is. Use your Spanish dictionary to help you decide a keyword to search.

You can also find free sites for Spanish instruction. Here's where you can get your grammar practice at your own pace. One excellent and free site is

5. Take it to the streets

You will be amazed at the connections that can come from a simple "Hola, Buenos das."

Seek out opportunities to connect with native Spanish speakers - every opportunity you get - every day! Maybe you have a relative who speaks Spanish, or a co-worker, or a neighbor, or maybe you're just sitting next to someone on the bus or subway and you realize that person speaks Spanish. Just smile and say a simple greeting in Spanish. You're likely to end up in a short and pleasant conversation; if not, at the very least, you've made a friendly gesture and will make someone smile.

Don't worry about being fluent. Just be open to communicating! After all, isn't that why you want to learn Spanish? And chances are, you will receive compliments and encouragement for your efforts.

And who knows, you might even end up in a conversation discussing the latest telenovela, Shakira's newest hit song, or an article you just read in Spanish. Bravo! You are on your way!

Ruth Kunstadter makes it easy to teach and learn Spanish by tapping into the incredible resources of U.S. Latino communities. Visit Ruth at to find more ways to inspire children to love languages!Ardyth Blog303
Camila Blog14523

Motivate Your But

Over the years I have worked with thousands of people in my various roles of Author, Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Virtually all of the people I have met over the years have used products and services in an effort to help them improve their lives and businesses.

When I ask them about what they used and why they used it, I am, more often than not, met with an answer like this:

Well, I wanted to start a business, so I used a (product/service) to help me with that. But then I realized that I needed to learn marketing to grow the business, so I used (products/service) to help me with that. But then I realized that I was afraid of promoting myself, so I used (product/service) to help me with the fear. But then I realized that I needed to learn to focus and prioritize, so then I used (product/service) to help me with that. But then I realized that I needed to be a better communicator, so I used (product/service) to help me with that. But thenButBut

After they are done telling me about all the books theyve read, seminars they went to, programs they bought, tele-classes they listened to, etc. I figure they must have a huge and thriving business, so I ask them, How is your business doing?

At this point they look at the floor or off in another direction, shrug their shoulders and tell me that they are still working on getting things going, This is really just another way of saying Im not doing much. Despite all the learning, their lives and businesses are pretty much the same.

If this sounds familiar, dont worry. You are in the majority.

People think that they use the word but as a lead-in to a REASON why something happened.

However, but is almost always the lead-in to an EXCUSE why something did not happen. They are explaining why they EXCUSED themselves from what they said they were going to do.

In my math: But first = Butt first! Or, in other words, if you continually find yourself saying but in regards to your commitments, that means you went about the commitment making process backwards or Butt-end first.

Now, before you make anymore commitments, and before you attend anymore seminars, and before you buy anymore books on business, and before you waste another moment of your life, you must first STOP and ask yourself one simple question: Am I really motivated to make (Place Your Goal Here) happen?

You see in life there are things we truly Desire and there are things wed Prefer. Deep-seated Desires truly motivate us to take action in spite of any obstacle. While Preferences are merely things wed like if it isnt too much trouble.

The problem is that most of us have been conditioned by our family, friends, colleagues, etc. to see our Desires as being beyond our reach. So, instead, we half-heartedly pursue our Preferences.

This is why we never seem to really change anything in our lives and businesses. We are going for things we dont really care about (our Preferences) which dont motivate us. And the things we truly want (our Desires) are put off until someday.

So here we are planning our days and lives around the things we dont really care about, while simultaneously telling ourselves that our real dreams are unrealistic.

Does this sound like a recipe for success? I dont think so.

So what do you do? How do you start going for things the right way instead of Butt-first? Simple, tap into your motivation and go for your Desires.

Nothing happens until something moves Albert Einstein

You see, in order to change your circumstances you must first change your actions.

Same actions = same results.

However, when you take a new and different action, that is when something moves. Or, more precisely, something NEW moves.

New actions = new results.

After this you simply analyze the new results, and adjust your actions again and again until you are getting the results you want. Getting the results you want is Success.

The only thing standing in your way are those darn Buts: But first But I cant But I should But then But I dont But maybe But before

So, do you really want to be happy and successful? Do you really want to make changes in your business and life? Then go for your dreams, tap into your motivation, take new actions and, most of important of all, lose your BIG BUT.

Erik Luhrs is the President of Make Your Business BOOM! Inc. He provides Consulting, Coaching and Seminars on Business & Performance Optimization to Executives and Business Owners all over the world. Visit to request a complimentary Motivation Mastery Coaching Session today. Caye Blog79620
Amalie Blog67704

Corporate Van Finance: Prominently For Business Development

Vehicles and particularly van contributes a major role in the development of a business, as it makes transportation easy and faster. You might also feel the necessity of a van for commercial use and the inadequate finance is becoming the barrier between you and your ends. To tackle such insufficiency of finance, corporate van finance can aid you monetarily if considered. Corporate van finance is a loan scheme with the help of which a business person or any individual can finance a vehicle for commercial purposes. Though auto loans are easily available but opting corporate van finance can rationalize your financial budget.

Finance can be obtained under corporate van finance by applying for any form available secured and unsecured. The applicants have to place collateral while applying for secured form because this form facilitates them to borrow large amount of money at easy and low rate of interest. If collateral provided carry a higher equity then the borrowers can enjoy the privilege to borrow more finance. Individuals who are incapable of providing property can take the track of unsecured form to avail finance. Corporate van finance welcome persons having bad or adverse credit holders and offer the same proposals of secured and unsecured forms.

Corporate van finance is indeed a loan according to ones budget. But if applicant takes a little bit of effort to evaluate the value of the vehicle then he can borrow loan equilibrium to his repayment strength. Moreover, relying entirely on the sales persons will not be rewarding as they are target conscious and are not well aware of ones financial budget. So, for any decision or consultation concerning corporate van finance you can approach financial experts.

Now-a-days corporate van finance is advanced within less time and also can be approved by sitting comfortably from home or office, as online provides round the clock services within seconds. So, with the coming of the vehicle you can increase your strength of business and expand to your expected horizons with the aid of corporate van finance.

Bonnie Castle works as a consultant in van finance. He is proficient in the finance world. Van endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Corporate van finance, commercial vehicle finance, finance UK van, van finance, car finance van, commercial van finance visit Blog62432
Anett Blog68683

Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): Charging Orders and the Differences in Protection!

I always say that when choosing a business entity, you must evaluate the tax advantages and disadvantages BUT ALSO the level of liability protection. LETS LOOK AT A COMMON TRUTH: Many attorneys recommend the corporation to their clients. For the most part, corporations will provide good protection from traditional liabilities. In other words, if the business is sued for its business activities, then I consider this a traditional liability situation. In most instances (a properly set up and maintained corporation) will protect the owners from personal liability.

Most attorneys (myself included), who stay up-to-date with court precedents and how creditors (and collection attorneys) actually work, will tell you that a multi-member LLC will usually provide enhanced benefits. Here are a few reasons:

1. LESS FORMALITY = LESS MISTAKES: The corporation requires annual meetings and has a number of rules which create a forced management structure. For example, every corporation is made up of a tri-parte management structure (tri-parte means 3 levels). This means that all corporations will have to force or channel operations through this structure of directors, officers, and shareholders. The trouble with small to mid-sized businesses is that the same person or perhaps a handful of people must occupy all of these positions. This can create confusion and more opportunity for error. The limited liability company (LLC) is simpler to operate because state law does force this tri-parte structure upon LLC owners and employees.

LLCs (unlike corporations) are not required to have annual meetings. Although we think LLC meetings are a good idea, you probably wont lose your protection if you forget to have a meeting. These simplicities mean less technicalities and less confusion. It also means that there will be less mistakes available for an attorney to use against you when trying to pierce the entity in order to hold its owners personally liable.

2. CHARGING ORDER PROTECTION: Alright, lets move forward to another VERY IMPORTANT issue. I am going to say that this is perhaps the KEY REASON why an LLC is favored in most situations. The LLC will protect you from business liabilities but it can also protect your business from personal liabilities. DID YOU CATCH THAT? We said the LLC will protect you personally from business liabilities, BUT IT CAN ALSO protect your business from personal liabilities.

Ok, enough word manipulationlets look at a concrete example:

EXAMPLE: Lets say that you are driving and taking your family to the park on a Sunday afternoon. Negligently, you tap someone who is crossing the street and they are slightly injured. The injured person finds a sharp and hungry personal injury attorney who milks the case for every penny. They sue you for $1,000,000 and win. Your insurance pays out the $500,000, but there is still $500,000 owed. What happens next? The answer will depend on whether you have a corporation or LLC.

Did you know that once a judgment is obtained against you, the attorney may pass the case on to a collections specialist (an aggressive attorney who handles collections)? These attorneys are very knowledgeable and may only focus on collections in other words, they know the ropes. This attorney would go to the judge and request a Write of Execution. With this writ they many visit your residence or office (with the local sheriff) and begin seizing personal assets. The problem is the corporate stock shares are personal property. As a result, generally they can seize 100% of corporate stock shares.

Now you may say...Wait a minute, my business was not involved in the accident. I was taking my family to the park on a Sunday. Understand, the creditor is not trying to enter your corporation through the front door, but through the back door! Have you ever heard the expression, He who has the gold makes the rules?. I dont always agree with this, but in this situation, lets say, He who has the stock shares makes the rules. In other words, if the creditor seizes your stock shares they can vote to dissolve or end the corporation. As a result, any assets in the corporation must be distributed to you personally.

Now you may ask, Why would anyone want to break up my corporation?. THE REASON: Once the corporation is dissolved the assets of the corporation will be distributed to you, the owner. GUESS WHAT? Now the collection attorney will have more money to satisfy the rest of the judgment (the $500,000 still owed). Remember we discussed the importance of protecting your business from personal liabilities? The corporation wont do that very well because of this reason: Stock shares are personal property. They can be seized if you have a personal judgment against you.

The same thing can happen if you are doing business in a corporation made up of 2 or more parties. In such an instance, a creditor who obtains enough shares could vote to dissolve the company or they could become a substituted owner. You see, you cant control the actions of all your co-owners all the time. For this reason, there is undue risk when corporations are used (especially if there is more than one owner!).

I am a licensed attorney and attend training conferences each year to keep up with my required hours of continuing legal education. I can tell you that while I love to learn about all the updates and nuisances of setting up companiesI know that the real benefit comes from understanding how collection attorneys work. The goal is to learn what tricks they use to tear companies apart. Believe me, most will foam at the mouth when they learn the business owner is using a corporation. They are not so pleased to learn the business owner is an LLC or other partnership-style entity.

So at this point you may be wondering how the LLC is different. This is a complex issue, but generally we can say that the laws of all states (except Pennsylvania and Nebraska) have included special rules for LLCs which allows them to be protected in this type of situation.

In other words, if we had the same facts in which you hit someone on the way to the park on a Sunday and $500,000 of the judgment was not covered by your insurance, the creditor would generally not be able to gain control of your LLC. The creditor also could not vote to end the LLC, could not force a distribution, and could not break up the LLC. The creditor would be limited to a court order called a charging order.

So what is a charging order? The charging order is a specific court order that first must be granted by the judge. It is a court order which says that if any money is passed on to the owner who was involved in the accident, this money must first go to the creditor until the debt is paid off. The only problem is that the creditor does not have the right to force the LLC to make this payment. This means that the creditor could wait a very long time for such payment to be made. If your LLC is run by parties who are friendly to your situation, they may choose to stop all distributions made to you. State law limits a creditors collection efforts to this charging order. Second, once the creditor obtains the charging order they may have to pay taxes on money that the LLC made, but which was not distributed to you (we call this phantom income).

What does all this mean? Generally it puts you in a much better position if such an event occurs, since it may force the creditor to try to settle the judgment debt or just drop the collection efforts. At the very least it can help keep your business intact. If you were using a corporation the end result would likely be the end of the company. If an LLC was used, managed correctly, and its owners properly reserved this charging order limitation then the result will be quite different.

Here are a few other things to consider: An LLC will need to have more than one member in order to ensure this type of protection. Lets also say that in community property states it may be useful to have someone other than your spouse (family member or close friend) own a small percentage interest in the LLC. The community property states are: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

Second, you must make sure that the LLC is run and managed in the correct manner. None of these protections will hold up in court unless you truly become a MASTER of good business practices and learn how to keep up with LLC formalities.

To learn more about how you can become a MASTER of good business practices, create, run, and maintain an iron clad LLC please see Mr. Barazandehs, Wealth Building LLC course at and

I want to wish you all the best in your business and email me if you ever need help:

By: Darius M. Barazandeh, Attorney at Law / M.B.A. Berenice Blog9409
Cammi Blog3116

Camper Van Insurance -- Save a Bit of Money on Your Camper Insurance

When someone who has a no claims discount has an accident, the discount is generally reduced by two years. This occurs only if you make a claim. All claims must be made under a camper van insurance policy. Unless your insurer is able to recover the losses from the accident from another party responsible for the accident, your no claims discount will be affected.

However, in the event that they can recover those costs, or are only prevented from doing this because of their agreements with the other party's insurance provider, your discount may survive intact. If you are able to cover your own losses, including the damage excess on your policy, you may also be able to avoid losing your no claims discount in that way.

If your camper van insurance company is expecting you to make a claim soon, or if there is a claim in process, you may still find that your discount is reduced when the time comes to renew. Should this occur, your discount can still be reinstated. Your insurance provider must not pay out on the policy for this to happen.

If you wish to avoid losing your no claims discount, even if you have an accident, inquire how much it will cost to protect against claims. Compared to the amount you'll have to pay should you lose the discount, the protection money required is much smaller. Because of this, it can be a good idea to pay a little bit to retain your larger savings.

Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on camper van insurance visit his website Blog27670
Anett Blog8061

Interesting Facts About Perfumes

High living has always been associated with the use of perfumes. In the old days with royalty people espousing the need for fragrances, the bourgeois society soon followed.

Perfumes from natural odorants like sandalwood or musk were preferred. In today`s world due to illegal trafficking and species endangerment, natural odorants are replaced by synthetic aromatics. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Aromas like musk from natural ingredients are extremely complex and have been impossible to imitate through synthetic aromatics like nitro-musks or macrocyclic musks. On the other hand, synthetic aromas like ozone, marine, metallic, etc., have no parallel olfactory relationship in the natural odorants.

So nowadays with modern technology of perfume manufacturing and synthetic aromas, new categories have been created. Categories that can be best described as: 1 - Bright Floral - very popular and meant for almost everyone and all occasions; 2 - Woody - it evokes the forest refreshing smell; 3 - Green - it has a lighter fragrance and is meant for casual wear; 4 - Oceanic - it is very popular among the younger generation; 5 - Spicy Fruit - a good choice for tropical weather or during summer; 6 - Oriental - it is meant for special occasions. Spicy scents.

It is very important the composition of perfumes, because the right combination of scents (as rose, jasmine, cola), modifiers (esters), blenders (linalool, hydroxycitronellol) and fixatives(like resins, wood scents and amber), can provide the unique smell by which brand name perfumes are so famous and desired for. Some famous brand name perfumes are:

1 - Eau de Cologne (1709)
2 - Chanel No. 5 (1921)
3 - Opium YSL (1977)
4 - Azzaro Pour Homme (1978)
5 - Anais Anais (1979)
6 - Poison Christian Dior (1985)
7 - Eternity Calvin Klein (1988)
8 - Envy Gucci (1997)
9 - Nu YSL (2001)
10 - Rose 31 (2006)

Also, preservation of perfumes is of vital significance as it degrades if kept carelessly. Previously all perfumes used to come in open bottles with caps. These bottles kept the fragrance intact for about a year. As it was used, the level of the perfume went down, and it was exposed to oxygen contained in the empty space of the bottle. This eventually changed the perfume`s fragrance. Heat, light, oxygen, and extraneous organic materials, further distorted the fragrance. Thus glass bottles, though extremely decorative, allowed light, and contributed to the degradation of the scent.

It is now a well known fact that light-tight aluminum bottles are best for the preservation of perfumes, especially when they are refrigerated at low temperatures from 3 to 7 degree Celsius. The oxygen contained inside the bottle cannot be removed completely but it can be minimized by the use of rollers instead of open bottles. Further minimization of oxygen exposure can be attained by the use of sprays.

Thus almost all modern day perfume come in spray bottles, which isolate the perfume from mixing with outside oxygen, skin, detritus, and dust, thereby promoting the longevity of the olfactory quality of the perfume.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog66611
Becka Blog26504

Jobs for U.S. Veterans at Leading Intelligence Service Firm

Leading Intelligence Support Service Firm Seeks to Hire U.S. Veterans

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation Joins

by Gordon Gates

OMNIPLEX World Services Corporation, a leader and innovator in delivering professional intelligence support services, is reaching out to hire qualified U.S. Veterans. OMNIPLEX provides investigative and physical security services to corporations and government agencies located throughout the world. It is a privately held company based in Chantilly, Virginia, with annual revenues of over $100 million.

OMNIPLEX is also a Top-100, minority-owned firm. It is a ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified firm. They are one of the fastest-growing minority-owned enterprises in the country, employing more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, each with diverse skills and disciplines supporting our security and investigative services to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.

History: Growth, Accomplishments

Julien G. Patterson founded OMNIPLEX in August 1990, selecting highly qualified and motivated professionals who shared his values and vision to guide the company into what is today a $100 million-a-year organization that specializes in background investigations and physical security services for the federal government, Fortune 500 companies, and regional business entities. Since our inception, OMNIPLEX has always had a positive cash flow, offered competitive wages, and provided a generous benefits package to our employees. We consider people our most important resource. With more than 3,500 professionals worldwide, we have received numerous awards and were recognized in 2006 as one of Greater Washington, D.C.'s Top 15 "Best Places to Work" by the Washington Business Journal.

The following is a partial alphabetical listing of businesses and government agencies to which OMNIPLEX has provided services:

ISO 9001:2000 Certification
OMNIPLEX is ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System certified. The ISO 9001 quality control standard exceeds commercial best practices, is our defacto quality standard, and is an integral part of our operating culture, policies and procedures.

The ISO 9001 standard is an internationally recognized quality management system developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). To be certified, OMNIPLEX instituted a Quality Management System (QMS), with corresponding procedures detailing both the administrative and operational workflow requirements, and the necessary activities to deliver a high level of service to meet customer requirements. The ISO 9001 certification tells our customers that OMNIPLEX operates a QMS in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

"Right People. Right Values." is the company's founding principle and guides every aspect of the business, from the employees they select to the customers and communities they serve and support. Each and every employee is committed to the central tenets of honesty and integrity.
OMNIPLEX also operates OMNISEC International Investigations, Inc., (an OMNIPLEX wholly owned subsidiary). It is one of the largest investigative service contractors in the United States. OMNISEC Investigators perform personnel security background investigations, pre-employment screening and business due-diligence services. We are one of the few companies chosen to perform national-scope background investigations directly for the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and civilian agency components of the U.S. Government. They provide a wide variety of armed and unarmed physical security support services for hundreds of thousands of civilian, military and government personnel.

OMNISEC provides total security solutions including staffing, planning and managing complex and intricate security installations and physical protection in the following settings:

Government facilities
Military operations
Embassy compounds
Manufacturing plants
Industrial settings
Office buildings
And other commercial and government settings
"OMNIPLEX was built upon the belief that there is a moral high ground in business. Our customers know that our mission statement is grounded to that value. Our success is guided by this principle, and it reflects our commitment to quality and continuous improvement and is validated in our client satisfaction ratings and sustained annual growth." Julien Patterson, President and CEO

The OMNIPLEX team is made up of thousands of talented individuals around the world all of them committed to excellence, honesty and integrity. OMNIPLEX is one of the largest and fastest growing minority-owned enterprises in the world, offering a vast array of exciting career opportunities in a wide range of challenging fields.

They offer world class benefits to qualified U.S. Veterans including:

Comprehensive medical/hospitalization/prescription coverage
Comprehenisve dental coverage
Vision Coverage
Basic Life & Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
Cancer insurance (optional)
Intensive Care Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Short and Long Term Disability Insurance
Voluntary Dependent Life Insurance
Accidental Death and Dismemberment and personal accident insurance
401 K plan with matching contributions
Direct payroll deposit
Paid vacations and holidays
Section 125 Pre-tax Premium Conversion Plan
Family Medical Leave
Bereavement Leave
Jury Duty Leave
OMNIPLEX also offers corporate and team activities that enhance camaraderie, fellowship and build teamwork. Additionally, they support employee activities for everything from charitable functions and contributions, to community outreach programs. They encourage their employees to give back to the community and support organizations nationwide. "

Career Advancement Opportunities are Unlimited

Right People. Right Values. is at the core of all that OMNIPLEX does for its' customers and employees. And, equally important, because they believe in promoting from within, OMNIPLEX is an ideal choice for those looking for a career, not just a job.

Their frequent, regular performance reviews, and employee development and incentive programs are all designed to help advance employees' careers. Furthermore, they support employees in their quest for professional advancement, providing training programs, seminars and educational and technical opportunities to help employees get ahead.

View and Apply to OMNIPLEX jobs on

More Jobs from Omniplex

Official OMNIPLEX web site

Gordon Gates is Senior Recruiting Consultant at http://www.HireVeterans.comCarlee Blog84851
Alleen Blog54292

How Computer Viruses Work and How to Protect your Computer

Many people are afraid of tinkering with their computers because of the fear that they might inadvertently introduce a computer virus into the computer system.

Computer viruses have become the technological bogeyman that scares computer users all over the world. We have all heard of how dangerous computer viruses are and how it can damage your data. Of course, aided by the bloated images Hollywood movies paint with regards to computer viruses, a big majority now have this insane (but mostly unfounded) fears about it.

It is true that computer viruses are dangerous. Anyone who has lost vital information in their computers because of a computer virus will know how big a damage it can cause. But computer viruses are not these insidiously little pieces of code that could wreak havoc on the world. If you know what to do when you get a virus in your computer then you can definitely limit, if not totally stop, the damage it can cause.

But what is a computer virus? Well, it is a software with a small imprint that would usually attach itself on to a legitimate program or software. Every time this program is executed the virus is also executed and it tries to reproduce itself by attaching to other programs or it immediately starts affecting the computer. A computer virus and email virus basically have the same modus operandi, the difference though is that an email virus would attach itself to an email message or automatically send itself using the addresses in the address book in order to infect the people who receive the email.

A computer virus is usually embedded in a larger program, often a legitimate piece of software. The virus will be run when the legitimate software is executed. The computer virus would load itself into the memory of the computer and then it will seek out any programs where it can likely attach itself. When a likely program is found then the virus would modify the file in order to add the virus code to the program. The virus would usually run before the actual legitimate program runs. In fact, the virus would usually perform the infection first before it commands the legitimate program to run. This process is so fast that no one would even notice that a virus was executed. With two programs now infected (the original program and the first infected program), the same process would be repeated whenever either program is launched worsening the level of infection.

After the infection phase, or even within the middle of the process of infection, the virus would usually start its attack on the system. The level of attack can range from silly actions like flashing messages on the screen to actually erasing sensitive data.

Fortunately, there are steps that you can do in order to protect your computer from viruses. Among the steps that you can take are:

* The simplest way to avoid a virus is to install a legitimate and effective antivirus program in your computer. The antivirus program is designed to look out for any kind of activity that could be seen as similar to a virus attack or infestation and it automatically stops it.

* You can opt to use a more secure operating system in your computer. For example, Unix is a secure operating system because the security features built into it prevents a virus from actually doing what it is programmed to do.

* Enable Macro Virus Protection in all of the Microsoft applications resident in your computer. Additionally, you should avoid running macros in a document unless you have a good idea of what these macros are going to do.

* Avoid using programs that you have downloaded on the internet especially when they come from dubious sources.

* Never open an email attachment that contains an executable file these are files with the EXE, COM and VBS extensions.

Matt Gundesen is a certified expert in the field of antivirus software. To download Norton Antivirus as well as many other tools in the battle against computer viruses, please visit: Blog62848
Catherine Blog14941

Give Your PC A Boost

There will be times where you feel your PC could be going a lot faster than it should. Its time to take a look at some solutions to help make your PC run at peak performance.

The Windows registry is a big part in keeping your PC stable. The registry is essentially the catalog or reference source for your computer. When you open a program such as your media player or word processor or even an Internet browser, your computer queries the registry to find where the program is stored. The registry contains references to a large majority of settings and values for the operating system as well as its programs, user profiles, document types, hardware, ports and more. Whatever is inputted or outputted through your system is noted by the registry. And yet, Windows Registry problems are the common cause for a majority of crashes, reduced PC performance and error messages.

Tampering with a system registry requires a thorough knowledge of computers. It is recommended that if you do attempt to work on the registry, you should make sure you back it up in case a mistake is made, and secondly, you should make sure you know what youre doing before playing around with it. If a mistake is made, you can cause some major errors on your system.

The unfortunate news is that your registry will require maintenance every now and then just like other components in your PC such as your hard drive and RAM. Think of your PC as a guitar. The more you use it constantly, the more it can go out of tune. You have to make sure to fine tune it on a gradual basis, otherwise it may not play so well.

A good way to clean out your registry and boost your PCs performance is by finding some top rated registry cleaners. Once again, we will plug the download section on our website. The best free downloads or trial software can be found at Be sure to check it out to make sure you are using the best type of software the Internet can offer. We have done all of the researching for you. All you have to do is find us, and use our resources.

To summarize what a registry cleaning program does, it literally fixes a large mass of PC errors and can end such headaches as computer crashes, system instability, error messages, severe lag time and more. You can definitely notice a large boost in your computer shortly after using these excellent software programs, but again, dont just rely on this software.

Using Scandisk to clean your hard drive of bad errors can help solve some issues relating to your hard drive if errors occur. Remember to give your computer a very thorough cleaning from time to time to keep your performance at its peak rate. Also keep in mind to vacuum out your computer to avoid dust contamination.

Warning! Before deciding to open your computer case, you should be aware that your body can contain static electricity that may be discharged to the circuits inside your computer. A static discharge can damage or ruin your computer. Therefore prior to doing any work inside your computer, you should get a grounding strap. A grounding strap can be attached to one of your wrists and be plugged into the wall (if it is the type made for a wall outlet). If you don't have the ground strap made for the wall outlet, you may need to attach your ground strap to a cold water pipe. A ground strap grounds your body using the earth ground in the wall outlet or from a cold water pipe. A grounding strap should cost less than twenty dollars and should be available at an electrical equipment store. You should always wear a ground strap when working inside your computer case. Especially when working with the microprocessor, memory, motherboard, or other plug in boards.

Now, make sure your PC box is unplugged, take off the cover, discharge your system by de-pressing the power button twice. This is important because if your vacuum cleaner is metallic and makes contact with other metal while power is still residual, you can blow out components in your hardware. It is best to use a plastic vacuum when cleaning. Use the brush extension on your vacuum to get all the dust out of your PCs air intakes, case fan, hardware components and more.

Brad Johnson is a professional web designer, computer expert and Internet Marketer who owns A resource website that specializes in a vast amount of articles, tutorials and more pertaining to Internet Marketing and Information Technology.Carlotta Blog34670
Atlanta Blog57830

About Rock Climbing

Ready to take on Rock Climbing? It is one of the fastest growing sports around, indoor as well as outdoors a lot of people are now joining what seems to be the new way to work out, and to strengthen yourself both physically and mentally. Rock climbing is no longer reserved to the professionals, even thought they are very much respected and looked up because of their amazing achievements and skills the art of climbing now belongs to the masses and it seems they love it.

You will need to work hard and practice, keep a routine and workout plan, focus on the rock climbing skills but not neglect many other forms of workout to increase your muscle mass and you cardio power if you think of going out thee and climbing mountains, the climbing walls are only the beginning, but, as everything else in life, you will need to go through every step to reach your goal. There are many things to learn about rock climbing, first you will need to become familiar with the rock climbing equipment, you will surely need someone to walk you around the things the professionals use, the survival gear and all the right clothes that will make your life just a little easier when climbing to the top.

There are some people that love rock climbing because of everything but the physical side of it, it is a huge challenge and something that is looked upon as a task that belongs to each individual, a test of character and something that will challenge you in the most extreme way, you should think carefully before diving into the rock climbing world, it is highly addictive and you risk that chance that some people will regard your actions as of a madmen.

If you will choose to go with the rock climbing, you will probably discover a world of thrills and adventure, of passion and dedication, but also a world of hard work and training, planning and thinking about every step, rock climbing is not only climbing but it involves a lot of planning and thinking and working out many difficulties and obstacles.

You can start off by getting a book, a rock climbing book may give you all the basic things you want to know so you can start thinking about getting serious about climbing, it is the closest thing you can have to a manual, if you want to get a book, take a good look at the selection because there are quite a lot of rock climbing guides around, find the one you will be most comfortable for you, and remember you may want to take it with you when you go out so make sure it fits in your backpack.

If you are dedicated and a hard worker there is no reason that pretty soon you will outgrow your book and will need some professional hand to guide you around to jump a level, and this you can very easily find in the specialist gyms that have a climbing walls, you do not have to get a lesson every day, but a few tips and tricks from a person with real experience will do you a world of good, and increase your safety. Have fun, and stay safe.

John Furnem specializes in work psychology, stress relief and time management, John uses many innovative techniques to help individuals and families to perform better, John publishes Rock Climbing advice at Blog81090
Astrid Blog8478

Tips For Lowering Your Health Insurance Costs

Is the rising cost of health insurance getting you down? Don't feel alone. There are currently millions of uninsured Americans who simply can't afford to pay the outrageous premiums to get medical coverage. Fortunately, most states will step up and help low-income families cover their children at least, but what happens if mom or dad gets sick? Who's going to pay the bills than? What if the breadwinner of the family, whether it's mom or dad, is unable to work anymore and they run up large amounts of medical bills?

The system simply isn't working anymore, however, there are a few things we can do to keep our monthly premiums manageable, for those of us who can afford to make minimum payments to have a health insurance policy. With take a look at some of those.

There are things you can exclude from your health insurance policies that will decrease your monthly cost. This is the case on all policies so you'll need to look around but it is possible to do.

Another thing you might consider is to raise your deductibles. The deductible is the amount of the insurance company expects you to pay before they start paying anything. An example of this would be was called 80/20. This means that you'd pay the first 20% of the of the costs of your visit to the doctor and the insurance company would cover anything up to that. So the cost of $100 for your medical needs then you would be expected to pay $20 and the insurance company would take care of the other $80. You'd only pay up to a maximum amount every year on your deductible deductibles vary anywhere from zero to $5-$10,000.

The higher deductible you carry on your policy, the lower your monthly payment will be, however, if you carry a high deductible this means that you will be paying a large portion of your everyday medical care out-of-pocket.

If you could possibly set aside enough money that would equal your annual deductible amount you would be in very good shape because the average person only see the doctor once or twice a year. This would make your payments minimal, your out-of-pocket costs would be covered if you have the money set aside and you would be covered in case of any major medical emergency. Just another option to think about.

Joe Stewart is a former Health Insurance Agent that now provides helpful information to others. For more great information about Health Insurance, visit right now!Alexina Blog12181
Catha Blog39417

Article Marketing - an important lesson to learn

There are many methods of driving traffic to your website but one of the simplest methods is Article Marketing. This method generates not only back links to your website, but if done properly can create awareness with the reader and even elevate the writer to the status of an expert. It can also generate traffic from the search engine results for one of your keywords.

There are a hatful of tools and software available on the Internet which are meant to make the creation of an article as simple as possible. Do not get the misconception that you just plug in a few words here or there and out pops the perfect article. The bulk of these software systems take an existing article and will modify words within it with synonyms (words of a similar meaning). Plagiarism is a dirty word and this sort of adjustment is plagiarism in disguise, so be very careful.

Some common mistakes that are made by many writers when setting up to market an article are outlined below:

1 - Ensuring that the article reads smoothly from the start to the finish.

Before starting to write an article it is very important to have an outline plan of what the article will include. After deciding on the subject of the article the plan needs a few lines of introduction, followed by your discussion on the subject in hand, then finished off with a conclusion. There can be as many steps as you think needed in the plan, but the main focus should be on flowing smoothly through each step from the introduction to the conclusion.

2 - Forgetting the reason that you are writing the article.

You are writing this article for an audience to read. The idea is to keep them enthralled with your words that they actually get to the end of the article and to the all important resource box. To keep your reader's attention requires quality and interesting content, as well as the need for the article to flow smoothly. You must never lose sight of this priority when writing an article - your reader is your target not the search engines.

3 - Not taking advantage of the promotional opportunity available.

Not only the resource box link will bring visitors. Placing keywords within the article in strategic places will afford you a better chance of getting search engine traffic. Since the article directories in general do not allow anchor text links, or links of any kind within the article itself, that keyword placement is very important.

4 - Publishing content that does not help your readers.

If you are thinking that all the article is intended for is to generate visitors to your website through the resource box link without any thought of the subject matter - think again. The article needs to have a subject relevant to your business theme. Writing about horses with a link back to your dog grooming website isn't going to work. Not all article directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

When writing articles to utilize the Article Marketing method of promotion it is important to remember why the article is being written and to ensure that the objectives of each part are followed. Keywords need to be included within the text of the article to increase search engine visibility while the content needs to keep the interest of the audience through to the resource box, with enough interest generated to click on the link for more information.

Derek Jones - helping online businesses get started as well as growing existing businesses into successful entities. For more information why not sign up for our free weekly newsletter at: Blog8383
Aprilette Blog32710

Best Way To Learn A Foreign Language

I have never quite understood how to learn a foreign language. It is a shame too. Learning a foreign language is pretty necessary in this day and age. If you learn foreign language, it makes you more employable in a variety of areas, as well as enhancing your cultural experience. Say what you want about modern translations, but until you learn foreign languages you never get to experience the beauty of foreign writers. Nevertheless, I have only managed to learn a foreign language once, and it was so difficult for me that I doubt I will ever try it again. It was just too much work!

I managed to get all the way through college without ever successfully completing a learn foreign language program. I took a little bit of French in high school, but I dropped it after a couple of semesters. In general, I was a good student. Most subjects came easy to me, but I couldn't manage to learn foreign language no matter how hard I tried. I loved French culture and French literature, and I desperately wanted to learn how to speak French, but it just wouldn't come. I ended up taking an American sign language class to get rid of my learn foreign language requirement. Even that was difficult!

I struggled with learning a foreign language all through college. I went to a liberal arts university that demanded it, and I knew that I could not graduate with the degree that I wanted unless I managed to learn foreign language. I tried using how to speak French software, hiring a private tutor, and working with conversation partners, but nothing worked. I only successfully managed to learn foreign language when I finally went abroad. I spent a year in France, and it was one of the most difficult years of my life. Ultimately, however, it was also one of the most rewarding. I would never have managed to learn foreign language without it, you see.

To this day, I believe that the only way to really learn foreign languages is to completely immerse yourself in another culture. If you can speak English at all, you will not learn how to speak a foreign language. Instead, you will keep falling back on your English skills. If you need to learn foreign language in order to interact on a daily basis, however, it will come much more quickly. If I learned a foreign language in a year, you can probably do it using the same methods in six months!

Rich Henderson runs his own internet marketing business from home. Celestyn Blog28207
Brigid Blog69285

Find Your Futures Trading Blood Type

Perhaps the greatest luxury I have in this business is the ability to observe the experiences of many traders with different personalities, life schedules and risk capital, each trading in a variety of markets। What most astute brokers realize is that, over time, as some individuals prematurely exit winners while others desperately cling to losers, it becomes quite possible to match different "blood types" of those traders with their correct "trading diets." Clearly, we're not talking the medical blood type here, but in the figurative sense it makes the right point. With practice, it's not too hard to determine blood types (type of trading best suited to the individual) based on the personality of the trader, and then prescribe a diet based on that individual trader's capital, experience, risk profile and schedule.

Discovering Your Blood Type and Trading Diet

Just like a diet, where there is no right plan for everyone, in trading there is no single plan for all traders. Before deciding whether to "cut out the carbs," "add more fiber," or simply avoid certain markets, do some self-assessment, starting with personality. For example, are you hesitant or impulsive? Patient or short-tempered? Identify strengths and weaknesses, and then let someone close to you help pinpoint those personality pros and cons. Have a tough skin; it's for your own good.

To further understand your personality, keep a trading journal to help zone in on specific traits and how they affect your trading. Remember, understanding your personality is one thing; understanding it when you're trading is another. While patience with children is good, patience with a losing trade is not. A journal enables traders to review winning and losing trades and identify factors that aided in success or contributed to failure. After reviewing inner traits, don't forget to review the outer onesyour schedule and risk capital. Think long and hard about how much you have available in terms of time and risk capital when it comes to trading, and don't delude yourself. In addition, look at how you are using your time and risk capital. Go over the market(s) you are trading, the style of trading and time frames you are using. Is this market, this style and this time frame suitable to your risk capital and personal schedule? Are they suitable to your personality?

Doing some self-assessment is absolutely essential to determining what type of trading diet you should be on, as the examples later will make clear. But first let's define the trading blood types and their respective diets.

Blood Types and Trading Diets

No A-positive or universal donor types are necessary here. Instead, for our purposes, let's classify types by using NT, PT, DT and ST.

NT. Is trading suitable for you at all? That is the question. Trading require a desire to take risks and, of course, the ability to afford to take them. These simple suitability questions must be firmly answered in the affirmative before anyone can consider taking the plunge. Those who have little desire for risk, have little risk capital to spare (and completely disposable income at that) and little time to devote to this very challenging exploit are classified as blood type NT (No Trading). The right diet is no trading at all. No carbs, no cals, no fiber, no fat. Nada.

PT. Those who are either gun-shy or trigger happy would be classified as blood type PT (Position Trading). With what kind of regime, you ask? Clearly this type requires a rule-based diet. To develop those rules first and foremost means doing some homework after market hours. Once these rules are in place, test any possible trade idea against those guidelines because each trade must pass this test before Mr. or Ms. PT enters the trade. This is the time to plan a trade from start to finish, visualizing a few different scenarios with a possible action plan. It may also be the time to employ the assistance of a full-service broker. His or her job should be to help implement the rules that will keep the trigger-happy trader from going nuts or help the trader with a fear of pulling the trigger to take the right kinds of actions.

DT. Some traders simply cannot take any positions home with them. It hurts the quality of their "after-trading-hours life" and makes them uncomfortable. Most of them also are impatient by nature and tend to over trade. They feel a need to be in the market at all times because they are scared of missing a good trade and scared of losing too much. This blood type is classified as DT (Day Trading).

Patience, discipline and strategy are the main diet ingredients for this group, but certainly not exclusive to it. Setting daily loss limits is a must, and a daily trading journal will help them quite a bit. The correct training cycle for successful day trading involves education, planning, routine, survival and getting to the point where a trader finds the set ups with which he is both most comfortable and can produce high success rates. A note here: More often than not, the biggest obstacle DTs face is the patience for such a set up; they feel they are not working if they are not trading, because they are day traders. This is one mentally crippling thought they must get over to survive. Being a day trader does not mean that the individual must be in the market with frequency only that he must be flat at the end of the session so as not to take his position(s) home with him.

ST. Then there are traders who try to go with the flow of the market and take small to medium bites out of market ranges or, perhaps, trade ranging markets between different support and resistance levels. Many will do it well for a period of time until they are almost married to it and get stuck with a loser. Let's classify this group as blood type ST (Swing Trading).

The biggest problem most swing traders have is the ability to take losses. Too many traders even those who generally are good, consistent traders fail by carrying one big loser one too many times. Is this stubbornness, the inability to admit making a wrong move(s), simply a case of hoping instead of trading? Those who have walked in these shoes know who they are and should be ready for the ST diet placing stops and understanding that even the best of traders have more losers than winners. The math is very simple. Because many markets will trade sideways, there are times when both longs and shorts will come out losers. Some trades simply don't work. The bottom line is that the total of a person's winning trades should outnumber losing trades.

How Two Traders Changed Their Diets

The following two examples, which combine traits of various clients with whom I've worked over the years, point out some of the considerations of which traders must be mindful as they try to figure out what trading diet is most appropriate. The names have been changed to protect both the "innocent" and the "guilty."

Example #1. Karen was one of my first clients. A smart and outgoing woman, she worked in the human resources department for a large company. During her first two years, she had some winning trades but, overall, her account was down.

Karen juggled a busy schedule everyday. She had numerous meetings and often traveled, yet she insisted on day trading stock index futures. I tried to direct her into a different approach, but she resisted.

My advice did not sink in until she hit a period during which all of her trades were going against her, and she was facing a margin call. When I spoke with Karen, her normally self-assured demeanor had changed. She was scared. She was no longer looking forward to the next trading day. After losing most of her money, Karen struggled to make a trading decision. The once confident, outgoing and independent trader was now grasping for outside advice from a variety of newsletters and other resources. She was desperate.

On the morning after a long holiday weekend, Karen called me and with a steady, confident voice, placed orders to get herself out of all of her positions. Over the weekend, she had read a book or two and had some conversations with her husband. It's hard to determine which of these produced the "epiphany," but she now wanted to try a different approach one of a longer-term nature (PT). After careful reflection, Karen recognized that she was at times impulsive, stubborn and simply not realistic (not good for a DT).

Even though she clearly could not devote the time necessary to be a day trader with her current work schedule and mentality, she realized that her routine and dedication must change completely no matter what the trading time frame. She was now dedicating 30 minutes during the day and/or evening to go over the markets. She adjusted her trading size to fit a longer-term approach but, most importantly, she had a plan, and that plan fit her schedule. She no longer had to make decisions in the heat of the moment. She started looking for longer-term trends that did not require hour-to-hour decision making.

Doing some self-assessment is absolutely essential to determining what type of trading diet you should be on, as the examples later will make clear. But first let's define the trading blood types and their respective diets.

Karen finally understood how to successfully incorporate trading into her life while having another demanding career. Her account has grown over the last two years through the changes she implemented in her routine, behavior and trading style.

Example #2. John started trading about four years ago. He seemed an agreeable enough person, but very business-like with no time for chit-chat. He wanted to trade online from the start because he had plenty of stock trading experience. John lived on the West Coast and was a real estate agent who did pretty well in the dot com bull market trading stocks until the market met its maker. Confident, willing to learn and fairly disciplined, he was trading with $25,000 of pure risk capital, adequate for a first-time futures trader.

Days went by and every morning as I was going over my clients' daily statements, I noticed that John was trading coffee. Not only was he trading coffee, but he was sometimes day trading coffee. I let him know that I would be pleased to talk with him about various markets if he wanted. He would call once in a while checking on fills and asking about different reports.

A few weeks down the road, John called and mentioned he would be in the L.A. area and would like to meet for lunch. During lunch, he mentioned his frustration over recent losses when trading futures. At this point, his account was down to about $14,000 over a six-month period. I asked him why he was attempting to day trade coffee, and he said his brother-in-law was a coffee importer/exporter, and he thought that it would help him. The coffee market was open from 6:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. PST, which perfectly suited his work schedule, but as I found out later, not his personality.

I asked him to start writing a trading journal, which allowed him to look back objectively and find patterns in behavior that both helped him and hindered him. John's journal revealed that he was frustrated with the slow fills of the open-outcry coffee market, and so he was quick to get out of winning trades and too slow getting out of his losers. He was trigger happy and at times traded larger positions than he should have.

I suggested that we change his "trading diet" around a bit and introduced him to the U.S. Treasury bond and the E-Mini stock index futures; both trade electronically and provide instant fills. These markets were perfect both for his schedule and personality.

I felt that these were good markets for both day trading and swing trading and recommended a few concepts in money management and trade management. The first was the maximum daily loss that he should set and place in a visible way as a reminder. The second was the setting of a daily profit target. Though it was somewhat hard to implement, if he could walk away when he was down to his maximum daily loss or when he reached his daily profit target, he would last much longer as a trader. It also would give him a better chance of succeeding down the road in other words, smaller steps down that longer road.

John is still down in his account, but he is making progress. Here are a few tips that have helped him: Instead of buying and selling five contracts at a time and "starting and finishing" the trade this way, he now gets into his trades in multiples of three. In the past, John simply would buy five contracts when he thought he needed to go long and sell five when he felt he needed to take profits or cut his losses.

When John gets into a trade these days (let's say in a long position), he will buy six contracts and place a stop loss on all six. Initially, he looks for a small profit on the first two contracts. (It helps him mentally to know "I took a profit on this trade.") He then raises his stop loss and changes it to a four lot. He looks for a second profit target for two more contracts based on his support and resistance levels. If that profit level is reached, he can get "greedy" with the last two contracts. In essence, he now knows how to manage his trades in a way that increases his profitability. And, further, and perhaps as importantly (based on his personality), he does not feel like he is missing out on big moves if they happen, and he still locks in small profits when they present themselves by using the first and second targets.

Be Realistic

Succeeding in futures trading takes hard work and time, and new traders need to be realistic and introspective right from the start. This is no time to devote anything but risk capital. Beginners should start small, allowing periodic checks to learn from mistakes, and from successes.

Just like anything else in life, from diet and exercise to business and career choice, one size does not fit all. Before anyone can succeed in trading, he or she must spend time doing homework, as well as ascertain personal strengths and weaknesses, schedule, risk capital and trading experience/ knowledge. Only with those in place, can traders choose the trading diet that will work for their blood type.

Ilan Levy-Mayer is currently a senior commodity broker and the Vice President of Cannon Trading Company. Cannon is among many introducing brokerage firms and is considered a leader in providing futures trading, forex trading, and option trading services since 1988. Ilan helped pioneer online trading for today's industry that allows traders from all across the world to partake in. Austina Blog99691
Belinda Blog77149

How To Stop Running To Your Doctor With Health Problems

Hey there,

Have you been seeing your doctor a little too much lately? Headaches here, chest pains there..shortness of breath, feeling weak, dizzy, and lethargic.

A nasty virus going around?

Not likely.

Something you caught from your kids?

Probably not.

Well, what is it?

Would you believe (and you should) that it could be that youre overweight and/or out of shape?

No way, it cant be! you say..I mean youre supposed to drag yourself throughout the day eating chips, drinking caffeine laced beverages, and exercising your fingers on the keyboard.

Thats how life supposed to say, work like crazymake as much money as possible regardless of the health risksretire (while being overweight and out of shape) and spend a good amount of your retirement visiting your local doctor and hospital waiting for that new breakthrough surgery to suck up all that fat from your arteries. Unfortunately, this is often true of many people nowadays. How can you possibly stop this and decrease the possibility (exponentially, I might add) that you have to spend your retirement years pitching a tent at your doctors office.

Get moving.

Start a fitness program..try to do a pushup (you should be able to do more than 1, by the way)take a brisk walk around the neighborhood..take a jog with your dog up and down the street..try to do 10 crunchesjust start something! More importantly, stick with it.

Thats all you need..just 2 little things.

Start with something.and stick with it.

2 simple, yet powerful actions. In fact, theyre so powerful that if you did these two little things, you would be in better shape than most people in the world!

You want to know a little secret?

Open your ears and pay attention.

Your doctor doesnt want to see you. In fact, they are sick of seeing you..they would rather be playing But do you want to know why they have to keep long hours and spend minimal time with patients?

Because we are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Which equals more health problems, which equals more doctor visits, more hospital visits, more tests (very costly I might add), more x-rays, more surgeries, etc. etc. etc.

How many hundreds and thousands of dollars are you and your family spending on unnecessary health bills? Instead of chewing on a Twinkie.chew on that thought for a while.

What would you rather have with all that extra money: a new car, a house thats paid off, a vacation home, a boat?


Living healthier, looking leaner, feeling younger and more energized while pocketing extra money from saved doctor bills and surgeries.

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonalds or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.

You sign up by making a commitment to change your lifestyle. Hey, maybe thats not what you are wanting to hear, but its true. You and only you, (with some help from me, of course) can make that change.

Whats the great thing about it?

So many people have tried and succeeded by doing it the right way, and you can too! It may take some time, it will take some discipline, heck, it may even take some sacrifices.but you will get so excited when you look at yourself in a mirror and see a leaner, fitter, healthier you.

Save money, save insurance company hasslesand for goodness sakes start a fitness program. I may not be able to help you have a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie by next week.but listen to me and you can at least save enough money to take everyone you know to see all of their movieslol. Actually, with your savings on doctors visits..youll have way more money than that.

In closing, you can choose one of two things.

1.Making a change to commit to a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet, and a fitness program that will lead to greater physical fitness, mental health and wellness, endurance (use your imagination), less doctor visits (when they are practically pushing you out the door anyway), less chances for heart attacks, strokes, surgeriesAND more money in your pocket from saving yourself from these expenses.


2.A diet filled with fats, lard, cholesterol, unlimited carbonated beverages, diet drinks (that always gets a chuckle out of me), days of feeling weak, depressed, and lethargic. Lets not forget a greater than average number of doctor visits, greater chance for health-related surgeries, greater chance for injuries (if and when you decide to get off your butt and do something), combined with looking less attractive to yourself and your significant other (or potential significant other), WHILE wasting money on all of these things.

Quite the laundry list, huh?

I dont know about you, but I take #1 11 times out of 10. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about making a change to #1 too.

You can do it, I am here to help. And if you can handle even more fitness strategies for you and your family, go to and check out what Ive got in store for you. Have a great day!

Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.Benoite Blog10631
Antoinette Blog98066

What Is DSL?

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is a service that makes the use of existing copper telephone wires for delivering data services at extremely fast speed rates. It does not hamper the existing telephone line. You can surf the Internet and talk on the phone, simultaneously.

DSL offers speeds that are around 5 to 25 times higher than a typical 56Kb dial-up connection. It is an always-on type of connection. This implies that websites would load quickly, downloads would be faster, buffering of videos would be fast and smooth and the domain of Online games would be illimitable.

Based on the types of service, DSL can be can be categorized in three divisions which are ASDL, IDSL and SDSL.

ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It offers download speed of 1.5 Mbps and upload speed of 384 K. In order to acquire a ADSL connection, your location has to be within 3 miles of your local telephone office. Also, a DSL router is needed for this type of connection.

IDSL is a ISDN Digital Subscriber Line service which requires an ISDN router. It provides a connection speed of 144 K. in this type of connection distance is not a component to be considered.

SDSL means Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. The speeds available under this type of DSL connection depends on the distance between your location and your local telephone office. The speed of downloads and uploads can go up to 1.1 Mbps.

Advantages of DSL

No installation of new wires is required. DSL uses the present telephone line to connect to the Internet. It provides extremely fast connection. Depending on the offer, you would not even have to pay for the DSL modem installation charges, since it is provided free by some of the companies on selection of the appropriate plan. The download rate is much higher in DSL connections. Many business organizations have gained the benefits of DSL. A DSL connection is very secure.

Disadvantages of DSL

The quality of your DSL connection depends on the distance between the DSL providers office and your location. Nearer you are, the better quality connection would you get. So, consumers located far from the local DSL office may face some trouble. DSL provide high speeds for downloading stuff but upload speeds are not that good.

DSL vs Cable Modems

The services provided through a cable modem can sometimes slow down or get hanged. It depends on the number of users accessing that particular service. But, in a DSL connection there is no such problem. The speed of DSL is consistent and high. This does not allow any kind of conjunction on the network. It provides more security than the cable modem connections. The popularity of DSL has risen to new heights which has resulted in disconnections and up gradations of the cable modem connections.

Toh Poh Leng owns and operates Dsl UpgradeCaitlin Blog62463
Bebe Blog75406

What is Credit Card Debt Consolidation and What Do You Need to Do?

There is a plethora of credit card companies out there offering a variety of credit cards. They bombard you with a number of tempting offers that ultimately gets you into a vicious circle of debt, right up to your gills. Getting out of credit card debt is not very easy, and you need to tackle it head on. The only sure shot way to remain out of a credit card debt trap is not to use your credit card at all! As this is not going to happen, go for credit card debt consolidation.

Eliminating Credit Card Debt

It is imperative that you eliminate your credit card debts at the earliest possible time. You probably do not realize it, but you have been paying a very high percentage of your income to service the credit card debts. Credit card debt consolidation is one way to help eliminate your credit card debts.

Over the years, you may have collected a number of credit cards with varying annual fees, interest rates on balances, penalties for delayed payments, etc which means you have signed on for the cards without reading the fine print and are now paying for it.

An average American has eight credit cards, with an average debt of $9,400! Credit card debt consolidation will help you consolidate all your debts on your various credit cards, into a single credit card. This saves you the hassle of first, keeping track of the bills from these various companies, and then paying to these different credit card companies. Credit card debt consolidation relieves you of this burden as you now deal with only one credit card company.

One advantage of your credit card debt consolidation is that the average interest may be considerably lower than what you may be paying on your various credit cards. This is quite a significant reduction. Ensure that you control your expenditure, and pay off your debts on the consolidated credit card regularly.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Celia Blog26522
Annecorinne Blog96491

Article Submission Software - Why Unique Article Versions Are Paramount To Your Success!

If you have been involved in article marketing for some time or are maybe a newbie to this strategy, you probably have heard about the remarkable tool 'article submission software'.

Website owners from around the world use article submission software to submit articles to numerous article directories, websites, ezines, and newsletters. The problem is they submit the exact same article to hundreds or even thousands of the aforementioned sources. This is 'submission suicide' and absolutely must be avoided in order for you to obtain monumental success through article submissions.

There is a dreaded little term out there in the Internet community known as the "duplicate content" penalty or also known as the "duplicate content" filter. It is very real and duplicate content article versions will damage your site rankings, back links, and traffic. With today's technologies, major search engine programmers and a few of the large article directory sites are backed by sophisticated software that can easily identify duplicate content. By using numerous metrics, they can evaluate Websites and pages of content to filter out an article that has been submitted to multiple sites. When Google sees an article with too much duplication, it centers it's attention to the articles that have been archived the longest and rids the excessive duplicate articles into a supplemental directory.

So, now after enlightening you a bit on duplicate article submissions, let me ask you a few questions...

1. Would a person researching a subject want to find the exact same article listed hundreds of times through their search results?

2. Would many of the article directories, Website article publishers, ezine publishers, and newsletter publishers want to have the exact same article posted on their sites?

This would obviously not be favorable. It's not reasonable to have the exact same article on hundreds or thousands of sites. Duplicate articles will be weeded out within a matter of a month or two. Hence, why waste your time if your ultimate goal is to drive more traffic to your site, generate more back links, and drive higher search engine rankings. Website promotion must have maximum impact in order to sustain your Internet existence. Article submission or article marketing is a powerful strategy towards your Website promotion and paramount to your Internet success.

There is only one way to overcome this "duplicate content" penalty and that is through unique article version submissions. Your probably thinking, "How am I going to sit and write hundreds of different article versions to submit?" It would take me a lifetime! Answer: Article Submission Software that submits a unique article version to directories, publishers, ezines and newsletters. Unfortunately, there are not many out there. Most of the article submission software available today submits the exact same article, but there is unique article submission software I can highly recommend called "Article Pro Software". Just for your reference, there is also another type of software available known as "article spinners". Unfortunately, these spinners generate an article that makes little or no sense when read by a human being. These spun articles will only embarrass you as an article publisher and poison your reputation.

In summary, remember it's not how many of the exact same articles you submit which makes the difference in your success, but it's the number of unique article versions submitted which will reign victory through your article submission campaigns.

Craig S. Andrews at generates significant targeted traffic with unique article submission software. Unique article versions conquer duplicate content and dramatically out-perform submitting the exact same article to different article directories. Drive more traffic, higher ranking, and sales! Try it risk free. Go to: http://www.articleprosoftware.comCarri Blog71868
Bernita Blog69684

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