Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Article Marketing - an important lesson to learn

There are many methods of driving traffic to your website but one of the simplest methods is Article Marketing. This method generates not only back links to your website, but if done properly can create awareness with the reader and even elevate the writer to the status of an expert. It can also generate traffic from the search engine results for one of your keywords.

There are a hatful of tools and software available on the Internet which are meant to make the creation of an article as simple as possible. Do not get the misconception that you just plug in a few words here or there and out pops the perfect article. The bulk of these software systems take an existing article and will modify words within it with synonyms (words of a similar meaning). Plagiarism is a dirty word and this sort of adjustment is plagiarism in disguise, so be very careful.

Some common mistakes that are made by many writers when setting up to market an article are outlined below:

1 - Ensuring that the article reads smoothly from the start to the finish.

Before starting to write an article it is very important to have an outline plan of what the article will include. After deciding on the subject of the article the plan needs a few lines of introduction, followed by your discussion on the subject in hand, then finished off with a conclusion. There can be as many steps as you think needed in the plan, but the main focus should be on flowing smoothly through each step from the introduction to the conclusion.

2 - Forgetting the reason that you are writing the article.

You are writing this article for an audience to read. The idea is to keep them enthralled with your words that they actually get to the end of the article and to the all important resource box. To keep your reader's attention requires quality and interesting content, as well as the need for the article to flow smoothly. You must never lose sight of this priority when writing an article - your reader is your target not the search engines.

3 - Not taking advantage of the promotional opportunity available.

Not only the resource box link will bring visitors. Placing keywords within the article in strategic places will afford you a better chance of getting search engine traffic. Since the article directories in general do not allow anchor text links, or links of any kind within the article itself, that keyword placement is very important.

4 - Publishing content that does not help your readers.

If you are thinking that all the article is intended for is to generate visitors to your website through the resource box link without any thought of the subject matter - think again. The article needs to have a subject relevant to your business theme. Writing about horses with a link back to your dog grooming website isn't going to work. Not all article directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

When writing articles to utilize the Article Marketing method of promotion it is important to remember why the article is being written and to ensure that the objectives of each part are followed. Keywords need to be included within the text of the article to increase search engine visibility while the content needs to keep the interest of the audience through to the resource box, with enough interest generated to click on the link for more information.

Derek Jones - helping online businesses get started as well as growing existing businesses into successful entities. For more information why not sign up for our free weekly newsletter at: Blog8383
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